SHCOG Update

SHCOG6Following months of conversations with various groups within the Academy community about our living of the Goals and Criteria of Sacred Heart Education, we look forward to the next step in the Sacred Heart Commission on Goals process—reflections with a Visiting Team of Sacred Heart educators from schools in New Orleans, Houston, Chicago, Princeton, N.J. and Halifax. At the conclusion of their November 16–19 visit, the Visiting Team will read their summary reflections at an all-school assembly at 10:30 a.m. in Rauch Memorial.

  • PARENTS are invited to participate in a group discussion with the Visiting Team on Tuesday, November 18, at 8 a.m. in the Conference Room.
  • High school- and college-age ALUMNI are invited to join in a group conversation with the Team on Sunday, November 16, at 3:30 p.m., also in the Conference Room.

For further information, please contact Sandy Ahlheim or Joan Runge, Steering Committee Co-Chairs, 636-946-6127.
