St. Philippine’s Feast Day

Dear Parents,

We look forward to celebrating the Feast Day of our school’s foundress, St. Rose Philippine Duchesne, next week. If you have been here longer than a year, you know the basic outlines of HER STORY. Philippine was heroic in courage, inspirationally generous in service to others, and humble in claiming any sense of attachment to her accomplishments. These characteristics are true because of the one thing for which she is most known—her deep life of prayer.

Mother Duchesne reflected God’s Love because she spent hours lingering in God’s Love. And this is her invitation to us—to linger with open hearts, open minds and open wills, thus inviting God to work through our heads, hearts and hands, and allowing each of us to participate in building that same Kingdom that Jesus so earnestly proclaimed.

That is our hope for ourselves, as well as the focus of our education and hope for our children!

United in the joy of being able to celebrate Philippine’s Feast in this holy place where she lived, loved, suffered, sacrificed and entered into glory,

—Maureen Glavin, rscj
