How to Raise Successful Kids

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Dear Parents,

Dr. Julie Lythcott-Haims, author of How to Raise an Adult, was one of the keynote speakers at the meeting of leadership teams for the Network of Sacred Heart schools held here in June.

Here is a link to a shorter version of Julie’s message in a recently released TED Talk: How to Raise Successful Kids Without Over-Parenting

I think you will enjoy Dr. Lythcott-Haim’s message. It is one that echoes so much of what Sacred Heart educators talk about and try to live. Dr. Lythcott-Haim emphasizes the value of each child. She reiterates what we believe about the development of children, that the goal is not to be a perfect image of what “we” want but, rather, the goal is that each child become his/her best self, whatever that is!

When I hear Dr. Lythcott-Haim speak, I think about the balancing act we attempt to accomplish in our delivery of strong academics (Goal II) with our desire to nurture self-efficacy, resiliency, self-acceptance and personal growth (Goal V), relationship development (Goal IV), acquisition of habits of the heart which includes generous service to others (Goal III) and interior connectedness (Goal I).

Perhaps you, too, will hear the echo of our goals in her reminders of what is important as we partner in nurturing the growth that will help our children become healthy, happy and generous adults.

Sister Glavin
