Communication as Collaboration

Dear Parents,

It is often said that if a Sacred Heart school is anything, it ought to be relational. Consequently, communication pathways are not only essential components in our collaborative aspirations, they are vital in a Sacred Heart school.

With that in mind, then, I wholeheartedly welcome you to this first in our new format for disseminating information from the Academy! Though we all loved the look of our “old” Thursday Mail, this new vehicle will help us as we work toward achieving our goal of making information more available and accessible for you, our parents.

Inspired by the adage that “Information is always good,” our hope is to provide you, Academy parents, not only with information, but a variety of ways of obtaining that information. Thus, between the weekly Thursday Mail, our website, the parent portal and faculty newsletters, we hope to strike a balance which is accessible, sufficient and helpful.

Besides dissemination of information, another form of communication is inspiration. My weekly letter, which will soon become available as a blog, as one part of our parent communication repertoire, is meant to weigh more heavily on that – inspiration! You will discover that I will try to focus more on the “forest” and less on the “trees.”  What I hope to do is periodically invite us to see something from a broader or higher or deeper perspective, all with the end goal of articulating, clarifying and explaining the mission of this school.

In the spirit of collaboration and communication, please know that communication, if it is to be authentic, is always intended to be two-way. Thus, I invite parents to always be in dialogue and conversation with the school. I invite questions and input. And, as we on this end share our educational vision, our hopes for our children in light of the Society of the Sacred Heart’s mission and our world’s realities, it is essential that we hear about your joys and your concerns as well, so that the living of our vision is solidified in that which is real.

Hope you enjoy this new format, and I’ll see you in a few weeks,

Maureen Glavin, rscj

