Head of School Blog
Susan Tyree Dempf, Ph.D.

Lent: A Time to Reflect

Greetings Academy families and friends,

Lent is a perfect time for all of us to reflect on and build our relationship with God. It is a period of time that coincides with the coming of Spring-we can see and experience the hope present in new life. Our faith offers us the promise of new life. Lent allows us the opportunity to pause, to take a break from the norm and consider how we are doing as we build daily our relationship with God and others.

As part of the Academy community, each of us is called to make known the love of God present in in the heart of Jesus. Lent offers a time to purposely engage in making that love known- be it through serving those who are hungry by working at the soup kitchen, by putting down the phone and truly listening to a family member of colleague or even giving up the Starbuck’s coffee and instead offering those funds to someone in need.

What is most important as we think about how we will engage in Lenten practices, is to really grasp the ‘why’ we are doing this. The why may be to bring us closer to God through prayer. It may be to help us come to a greater understanding of sacrifice. Our Lenten gift may be given to help others see that they too are God’s beloved. The purpose of our Lenten promise is as important as the practice itself.

In these days ahead of Ash Wednesday, may we all consider the purpose behind our pledge and as we move through the season of Lent may we support each other as we draw closer in faith.

Reflecting on the journey ahead-

Dr. Susan Dempf
