The Blending of Intellect and Faith

April 22, 2021

Dear Academy families and friends,

It has been a busy week at the Academy as we have worked to support the formation of ‘master thinkers.’ Our teachers, whom we will recognize as the Honorary Chairs at Chemin de Fer are professional nurturers of thought. They help students to find their voice and grow in courage and confidence to use that voice for good. By instilling skills that enhance critical thinking and compassionate action, our teachers and staff ready students for the purpose that God will reveal as their own unique gift to this world.

Solemnity of the Annunciation

March 25, 2021

Dear Academy families and friends,

Today we celebrate the Solemnity of the Annunciation.  On this day we recognize the Blessed Mother’s ‘yes.’  Visited by the archangel Gabriel, Mary is invited by God to become the mother of his only Son Jesus.  The Word made flesh.  The moment, through which, each of us became one with God, united in our humanity.

A Year Ago This Week…

March 11, 2021

Dear Academy families and friends,

A year ago this week the bell was being rung to sound the impending arrival of COVID-19 in our region. As a school community we benefited from our membership in the Network of Sacred Heart Schools as colleagues in New York, Seattle and San Francisco shared what was happening in their areas. Their already lived reality helped us to prepare and shape our response.

Today I wish to express my gratitude to all and specifically signal the teachers who in the waning time before Spring Break gathered materials and prepared the students as well as themselves for the possibility of a mandated shutdown.

Beginning our Lenten Journey

February 12, 2021

Dear Academy families and friends,

On my desk I have a prayer card given at the 200th Anniversary Eucharistic Celebration of the establishment of the Society of the Sacred Heart in the United States (and the founding of our school). It reads from a letter sent by St. Rose Philippine Duchesne: “I am where God wills me to be, and so I have found rest and security. His wisdom governs me, His power defends me, His grace sanctifies me, His joy sustains me and all will go well with me.” Philippine knew in the depths of her soul that she was loved by God. Her faith is an example to each of us and the confidence that we associate with her comes from that absolute trust.

Joyful Advent Calendar

November 20, 2020

Dear Academy families,

In my home parish in New York there was a great tradition of following an Advent calendar to help us all prepare for the coming of Baby Jesus on Christmas Day. With so many traditions being put on hold due to COVID-19 precautions, I thought it might be nice to share this Advent activity as a way of bringing us together in prayer and joyful anticipation of the coming of Christ into the world.

Happy October!

October 1, 2020

Dear Academy families and friends,

What happens when a pioneer girl, a lawman and a cowboy show up in the Griesedieck Conference Room- well they enjoy a flapjack breakfast of course! Last Friday, the Fourth Class celebrated Heritage Day with quill writing, creating silhouettes, learning about life as a pioneer and a good dose of Mrs. Renken’s famous homemade root beer.

In the Footsteps of Philippine

September 17, 2020

Dear Academy families and friends,

Today the Middle School students attended the Following in the Footsteps of Philippine Mass. The liturgy offers student time to reflect on the manner in which they support their community and serve the needs of others. In a very special way members of the Class of 2021 are called forward to receive a Philippine medal as they commit themselves to following in her footsteps and living out her legacy.

God Loves a Cheerful Giver

August 20, 2020

Dear Academy families and friends,

Last week as the faculty returned to campus, we began the year with a celebration of liturgy. One of the readings from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians offered the following:

Consider this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully.

Each must do as already determined, without sadness or compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

Moreover, God is able to make every grace abundant for you, so that in all things, always having all you need, you may have an abundance for every good work.

Looking Forward to the 2020-2021 Academic Year

July 31, 2020

Dear Academy families and friends,

The summer days have been challenging with much to learn and much to plan and much to put in place in order to be ready for a return to school as scheduled on August 17. Throughout this time, I have been accompanied by the words of Philippine Duchesne:

I am where God wills me to be,
and so I have found rest and security.
His wisdom governs me,
His power defends me,
His grace sanctifies me,
His mercy encompasses me,
His joy sustains me
and all will go well with me.

Successful Conclusion to the 2019-2020 Academic Year

May 21, 2020

Dear Academy families,

We made it! Congratulations to all on the successful conclusion of the academic year. Students, parents and teachers rose to the challenge presented by the pandemic. Now we are ready to bring this year to an official close.

A Special Day for Mothers

May 7, 2020

Greetings Academy Families and Friends,

Thank you to all who ‘tuned in’ to support the Chemin de Fer Online Auction! We enjoyed spirited bidding, exciting raffle draws and most importantly a much needed opportunity to look forward! We look forward to once again seeing each other and enjoying time with friends, we look forward to engaging in the activities we bid on and to getting outside as the weather warms. Thank you for all who supported the online auction.