Alexandra Sanchez Little ’06, Director of Admissions, has been spending time in classrooms and has been busy sharing our school with prospective families. She is also enjoying leading a Communication Skills Class for Seventh and Eighth Class students, which meets every other Thursday to practice public speaking skills with the intent to give student-led tours for prospective families. Mrs. Sanchez Little is enthusiastic for the year ahead and is grateful for your help in spreading the #AcademyLove.
I appreciate the “hello” or “welcome” as you pass my office, and I have enjoyed meeting you all! Our year is off to a great start. Let’s celebrate 42 new students at the Academy this year! We are so happy each of you, new and returning, are here. What a wonderful feeling to grow our community! I am grateful to our Mentor Families for ensuring our new families feel comfortable as they experience many “firsts” and to our AmbASHadors for supporting the Admissions Office and our community.