In the Footsteps of Philippine

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Goal III of Sacred Heart education calls us to a Social Awareness which Impels to Action. This emphasis is underscored for our Middle School classes in a program entitled “In the Footsteps of Philippine.” Recently, Grades 5–8 took part in a special liturgical celebration in the Shrine of St. Philippine Duchesne, during which they were commissioned to lives of service.

During the coming school year, Middle School students will be Sent Forth Together to be of service and learn from the following:  Fifth Class—Mount Carmel and Carrington (formerly Parkside Meadows); Sixth Class—Sts. Joachim and Ann Care Center, Food Bank and Poverty Simulation; Seventh Class—United Services and Emmaus Home; and Eighth Class—Salvation Army, Youth in Need, and St. Vincent de Paul.
