Successful Lifelong Learners

Dear Parents,

I’d like to direct your attention to an article on the Mind/Shift website that reinforces what we believe as Sacred Heart educators: that development of the following 7 skills are essential for young people to become successful lifelong learners.

  1. Formulate good questions.
  2. Communicate in groups and lead by influence.
  3. Be agile and adaptable.
  4. Take initiative and be entrepreneurial.
  5. Effective written and oral communication skills
  6. Know how to access and analyze information.
  7. Be creative and imaginative.

A link to the full article follows:

Becoming Successful Lifelong Learners

The second criterion of Goal II of Sacred Heart Education states that the school provides a rigorous education that incorporates all forms of critical thinking and inspires a lifelong love of learning.

In preparing our children for their future world, where they will be asked to solve problems which have not even been created yet, the memorization of content is much less important than instilling good thinking skills while inspiring them to be lifelong learners!

One example of a curricular program that exemplifies this aspect of Sacred Heart education is our Lower School Math Program. I love this program because it develops conceptual understanding as opposed to merely teaching a particular procedure (which might be memorized and easily forgotten).

Click to read about the Philosophy of Everyday Math

Learn more about Everyday Math Curriculum Features

I look forward to seeing many of you this evening at the Lower School Parent Meeting.

United in this great mission of education,

Maureen Glavin, rscj
