Growth on the Journey

Welcome Back!

ChristmasSlI hope you all had a happy and holy Christmas! We continue to celebrate the Christmas season here. As such, you will continue to see our Christmas trees up, our Christmas lights burning and our crèche visible (with the wise men drawing ever closer) until the full 12 days of Christmas culminate with the Feast of the Epiphany―that wonderful celebration of wisdom recognizing divinity wrapped in humility and poverty.

And, Happy New Year!
My prayer at the beginning of each new calendar year tends to be the same, but since our life is a journey to greater wisdom (in that sense, we are indeed like the wise men on the road), my annual prayer simply becomes deeper each year.

May we all become ever more poignantly aware of the depth of God’s great Love for us! Steeped in new levels of security in that Love, may we continue to grow in the freedom to reflect God’s Beauty, Goodness and Truth through the very living of our lives.
As each of us travels our life’s journey, we are sure to struggle through the ups and downs that inevitably will be found along the road. Sometimes it is BECAUSE of the difficulties and challenges, our hearts are broken open (by circumstances rather than through our own choosing) and as a result of these difficult moments we end up learning more about ourselves, more about God and more about what is important and what is not important on the journey.
Consequently, you will notice that I am not praying for “no bumps” on the journey; I am only praying that, through the bumps, we grow in our capacity to more beautifully and more perfectly allow the incarnation to continue in us. The goal is to BECOME Christ, which means that, like Christ, we become the face and heart and hands of God’s goodness, grace and love.

So, may the growth continue and deepen on each of our journeys during 2013!

Maureen Glavin, rscj
