Two Hundred Years: A Legacy of Love and Learning

Jane Cannon will explore Academy history, based upon her research and subsequent book entitled Academy of the Sacred Heart – A Legacy of Love and Learning in a presentation at Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School on Friday, March 3 at 9:30 a.m. In addition to the school’s history, included in the book are sketches of some of the most memorable RSCJ (beginning with Philippine Duchesne and her four traveling companions in 1818), lyrics of Sacred Heart songs, quotes from former students and from nuns who taught here, buildings, clothing, statues, traditions and more. Following the presentation, this informative and valuable history will be available for purchase and autographing by the author. (Publication date and information tba)

The Sacred Heart Spirituality Speakers Series is sponsored by the Mums of Alums at Villa Duchesne and Oak Hill School for the benefit of the entire Sacred Heart family. All are most welcome!

Click here for further information.
